Eastman Steam Explosion Threatens Kingsport Residents

On January 31, 2022, Eastman Chemical Company’s Kingsport, Tennessee location caused a steam explosion. Asbestos and other toxic materials were sprayed into the air, threatening both the local environment and residents’ health.  

By February 14, 2022, Milberg Coleman Bryson Phillips Grossman (“Milberg”) had already filed a class-action lawsuit, pursuing claims for public and private nuisance, trespass, negligence, and strict liability for ultra-hazardous activity.  

What are the environmental and financial side effects of the explosion? 

At a town hall meeting on Sunday, February 13, 2022, Milberg attorneys partnered with Dr. Angela Hind (a physician and environmental consultant), allowing residents to voice their concerns regarding the incident. Many locals reported a battle with headaches, nausea, and skin rashes following the explosion. 

Sharon Weatherly, the lead plaintiff in this case, is a Kingsport homeowner who claims that she and her neighbors were not only exposed to the toxic contaminants released during the explosion, but they have also lost significant value in their homes. This will cause crucial monetary loss for Weatherly and others in her neighborhood.

Do you own a home in the affected area and are worried it may have lost value as a result of the Eastman explosion? Contact Milberg today.  

Eastman’s reoccurring failure to follow protocol 

Milberg Senior Partner Greg Coleman reveals that Eastman is known for habitually dodging protocol: “This is not the first instance like this committed by Eastman. Our attorneys are already working with the Kingsport community and surrounding communities to protect their legal rights. These innocent victims deserve justice. With this lawsuit, we hope to help them clean up their neighborhoods and force Eastman to clean up its act.” 

Following the steam explosion, Eastman neglected to instantly inform the community of this incident. Offering no mass warning or signal to locals, they willingly put lives at risk of asbestos exposure. In fact, residents were not informed of the explosion until later that evening, damaging not only the air and surrounding properties but also the town’s reputation.

Do you own a business in or near the affected area and are concerned this explosion will threaten your business’ reputation? Milberg can help.  

What is asbestos and what are the dangers of asbestos exposure? 

The National Cancer Institute (NIH) describes asbestos as the six naturally occurring minerals within the environment that are interwoven into fibers, then threads, used by manufacturers and industrial plants to create materials.  

Though asbestos was primed in the twentieth century, today’s experts have discovered the long-lasting damage caused to people who were exposed to the synthetic threading.  

NIH further reveals that asbestos directly impacts the lungs, threatening a person’s ability to breathe. This causes consistent coughing and wheezing without a guarantee these side effects will ever subside. Cases of mesothelioma have also been traced back to asbestos exposure.  

In addition, there are numerous toxic substances handled by Eastman that are associated with negative health effects.  

Have you been exposed to debris from the Eastman explosion and have since experienced headaches, nausea, coughing, skin rashes, or other symptoms? Contact Milberg.  

Milberg maintains its reputation of fighting for Kingsport, Tennessee  

“After years fighting for cleanup workers devastated by the Kingston coal ash spill and other man-made environmental disasters victims around the country, we understand the terrible impact these events can have on the environment, wildlife, and people,” said Milberg Attorney Billy Ringger. “The impacts on businesses, homeowners, and their families are likely to be felt for years.”  

In our proud tradition of effectuating meaningful change through litigation, Milberg is well-positioned to represent victims of environmental malfeasance. Milberg pursues remedies for those suffering economic losses such as diminished property values or loss of use and enjoyment. Our attorneys work together with academics, medical professionals, environmental advocacy groups, and regulatory bodies worldwide on behalf of clients seeking protection from environmental harm. 

Milberg’s Environmental and Toxic Torts Litigation group has helped thousands of homeowners and businesses negatively impacted by similar man-made disasters, including the Kingston coal ash spill, the Exxon Valdez oil spill, the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and the Huntington Beach oil spill. The firm seeks to represent all persons and businesses harmed by the Eastman steam pipe explosion.  

Impacted by Eastman’s explosion? Milberg can pursue justice for you 

Residents impacted by Eastman’s steam pipe explosion are encouraged to reach out to Milberg for a free legal consultation.  

For additional information, contact the firm at 865-247-0080.